English Preparatory Program

Since English is the language of instruction at Central Mediterranean Educational Center (CMEC), it is essential that you demonstrate competence in English.

As an international student you can apply directly to our Certificate Programs if you submit a valid English Proficiency Exam Result with the minimum scores as follows:

      • IELTS (Academic): Overall band score of 5.0 with a minimum score of 5.0 in each component. (Valid for 2 years)
      • TOEFL iBT*: 35-45 out of 120. (Valid for 2 years)
      • PTE Academic* (Pearson Test of English): 40 out of 90. (Valid for 2 years)
      • Cambridge Exams: English Scale Score: 154 out of 230 (CEFR: B1). (Valid for 2 years)
      • YDS / E-YDS: 37 out of 100. (Valid for 5 years)

Suppose you do not have a valid English Proficiency Exam Result to provide. In that case, an English Proficiency Exam will be given by CMEC. If you successfully pass the exam (60 out of 100 is the minimum score to pass), you will be qualified to attend one of the Certificate Programs that you have already selected in the admission process.

Students who do not satisfy the minimum English proficiency required (as detailed above) but are deemed academically fit may be offered admission into our English Language Preparatory Center program in one of the below levels:

Students can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases to satisfy the needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows, and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

Students can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g., very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment, and matters in areas of immediate need.

Students can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on familiar topics or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Students can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

For admission, it is not sufficient to only have proficiency in English. You should also satisfy the minimum acceptable standard test scores or diploma grades listed in the Entry Requirements section.

Program Completion and Proficiency Exam Requirements

To complete the English Preparatory Program, students are required to pass the CMEC English Proficiency Exam.

In order for students to be eligible to take the CMEC English Proficiency Exam, they must get enough points from the specified courses during the semester (Intermediate overall course grade: 80 / Upper-intermediate overall course grade: 65).

Students who do not get a passing score in the proficiency exam will enroll in and complete the course that they have to take in the program as they will not have completed the program.

Certificates of Completion

The Certificate of Completion will be awarded to students who have completed any level of the English Preparatory Program.

Once the students complete the requirements of any level of the English Preparatory Program and successfully pass the examination, they will be eligible to receive that specific level Certificate of Completion (A1, A2, B1, B2).

Students who successfully completed the B2 level will be qualified to apply and register for Certificate Programs.

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